
Heartworks In Motion©
Heartworks Intervention Services© (H.I.S.©), developed by DanaKae Bonahoom, M.A., is a comprehensive intervention Model that is at its core an authentic Developmental Model. The cornerstone of H.I.S.© is the foundational belief that “all children come to know and be known” and that “All behavior has a communication”. This can only occur when a deep respectful, loving connection is established and is essential for the child to feel valued and willing to work towards their goals.
H.I.S.© helps parents and professionals “get beyond the label” and understand each child’s unique profile. Heartworks in Motion© (H.I.M.©) is DanaKae’s comprehensive curriculum model that brings H.I.S.©, to life in schools. The curriculum is designed to support gaps in a child’s development, identifies the child’s unique sensory processing profile and deficits, and captures the child’s heart and drive by harnessing their internal drivers (the loves of the child’s heart), enabling them to willingly climb the developmental ladder.
H.I.S.© and H.I.M.© work well with children of a variety of developmental capacities and challenges and is ideally suited to both mainstream schools, inclusive schools, and schools serving children with special needs. The approach is holistic and encourages an integrated approach in the family, therapy, and school setting. It encourages emotional and intellectual growth in children by tailoring the approach to the individual child’s needs and core deficits and the individual and communal needs of schools. The H.I.S.© and H.I.M.© approach enables parents, educators, clinicians to use structured, semi-structured and playful “child inspired” interactions to master developmental milestones including creative and abstract thinking formerly thought beyond their reach. This methodology has proven to benefit both the child with special needs AND the neuro-typical child.
Find out more about H.I.S.© and H.I.M.© here.
Horseworks© was conceptualised because it was the natural component to include since there were ponies available right on-site at Rosebrook and the Heartworks© methodology easily allows us to integrate whatever is available in our environment to meet the developmental needs of children. Paisano Polo Academy have been pivotal and instrumental in enabling Rosebrook to help children flourish with Heartworks© being applied even to Horseworks©.
We love that the children get to build relationships with the ponies and learn real life skills of caring for their pets whilst growing stronger in their bodies and minds and sensory integration through all of this relational equine work. A rare blessing!