
Christian Low
I think that nowadays, our world tends to look at itself as part of a “grand scale”. In doing so, we ponder over how to forward human society as a whole, even when it comes at the detriment of a much neglected group of people who aren’t quite as fortunate as everyone else. We allow these less enabled members of society to fail, not realising how much of an impact it has on their lives. Rosebrook, to me, is the antithesis to this; every moment spent here is one that aims to give its children the opportunity to dream.
The uncompromising optimism of the staff at Rosebrook truly inspired me, enlightening me to the understanding that there are endless opportunities before us, and that we need not be bound by any limitations whatsoever.
Furthermore, Rosebrook is a place that truly humanised my perspective of people with special needs. Through my time here, I realised that regardless of all the barriers placed before these children, they are just as human as anyone else. They think, they play, they smile, just like any other child. Each of them has the potential to live out a life that is meaningful, and they are more than capable of bringing joy to the people around them. The children of Rosebrook were a reminder that no amount of hindrance can stunt one’s potential to find joy and to learn new things every day. Though they may not respond to traditional teaching methods adopted by more mainstream schools, with the right assistance, they can still strive towards astoundingly great heights; and for the mere possibility of what these children can achieve, we should all be encouraged to walk with them along their respective paths, leaving not a single one of them behind.